Leadership Reinvention
Aug 16, 2021
Did you know that you can always reinvent your business? I hesitate to say RE-invent only because it almost says that we're doing something again. But it’s actually less about RE-inventing, and more about IN-venting. We have all been very infused with what we think the world, life, leadership and business should look like. The world is ready for all sorts of new ideas about what it means to lead, run a company, create a company, and manage people, and we all need to be at the forefront of that. Let’s start today!
What you'll find in this episode:
- The plans to rebrand and change the name of this podcast.
- Kris’s challenge choosing between a corporate job and starting a coaching business.
- The question she asked herself that changed everything.
- The episode titled Leadership is Feminine
- Why you can always reinvent.
- What would you like to invent or reinvent?
Featured on the Show and Other Notes:
- How to CEO Week August 30 - September 3: a powerful, short, inexpensive course on how to maximize and drive your team in a different way. We give you tools on how to audit that team, how to really know what's going on, why is it happening, why are you getting the results that you're getting or not getting, and then ultimately some actions to take. We'll do a live Q&A with everyone who is in the audit, and I can take your questions directly. Go to howtoceoweek.com.
- The How to CEO program - 12 weeks of advising and coaching, all of the robust blueprint content, PLUS we complement everything with other special guest experts. So, if you are ready to join us, please go to howtoceoregister.com. You can learn all about it, and see all the things you need to see.
- Come connect with me on Instagram here or on Facebook here.
- Let me know what questions you have or what you think at [email protected]
- I’d be honored, if you find this podcast of value, if you would write a review. Then DM me on Instagram or Facebook or email me at [email protected] and let me know it was you. Then we’ll send you my favorite books list!
Hey, I'm Kris Plachy, host of the Lead Your Team podcast. Running a million dollar business is not easy, and whether you are just getting started with building your team or you've been at this for a while, I'm going to bring you honest, specific and clear practices you can use. Right now today to improve how well you lead your team.
Let's go ahead and get started.
Well, hi, how are you? Welcome. Welcome. I'm so glad that you're here. So this week I have a few things I wanna share with you. First of all, if you haven't signed up for the team on it, go to how to CEO week.com. We're gonna be doing really powerful, short, inexpensive course on. Really how to maximize and drive, um, your team in a different way.
Use, giving you some tools on how to audit that team, how to really know what's going on, why is it happening, why are you getting the results that you're getting or not getting. And then ultimately some action around it. And then we'll do a live q and a with everyone who is in the audit. And I can take your questions directly, five.
So I'm super excited. How to CEO week.com. I'm also really looking forward to sharing with you some news. I am going to be rebranding and, um, changing the name of this podcast and more to come, but I'm super excited about the direction that. My business is going, and this revention, if you will, August is a personal month for me, which if any of you know, numerology, it's, uh, all about new beginnings.
And, um, this has been something that has been in the works for me for a very long time. And I'm really proud of, uh, the evolution of my own work. And so we're gonna be, I guess, let me give you a little backstory. So, Um, when I started. Before I even started my business, I, and I think I've talked about this before, but when my twins were like two years old, so I had a two-year-old and I had a six-year-old son and I was sitting in our playroom and it was a cold, rainy day and they were watching the backyard agains and I.
I, this was in 2006 and this was, you know, it's hard to remember, but things, things were really different then, right? So I was figuring out how to make a website and I did, I made a website and I wanted to host retreats for women because I felt deeply that there were women on the planet like me who wanted to have meaningful, safe.
Dialogues, connections with one another at the beach, on the beach, and I had no idea what that was gonna turn into. I just knew, I just felt it deeply. 2006, y'all. And I was at a time in my life where, you know, I was very active in my community kind of and, and, you know, And I, nothing dispar, I don't mean this disparagingly, it just wasn't my scene.
It was, you know, a lot of women getting together, drinking, playing, bonko, a lot of drinking, a lot of wine, a lot of beer, a lot of, and um, I was 36, 38 at the time. And you know, again, I don't disparage anybody that, that lifestyle. I just knew for me it wasn't. Wasn't mine. It never had been. I, but I partied a lot in college and stuff, but I just didn't enjoy it.
I didn't find it fulfilling. I was even in book clubs and I would say, Hey, let's do like self-help books, you know? And nobody wanted to do that. Everybody wanted to do whatever Oprah was doing, right? And I'm like, can we do something like to help ourselves? Why do we gotta, anyway, I just always had this sort of calling so, But that was in 2006, and then I took a big job in the corporation I was working for and.
Yada, yada, yada. I ended up creating a whole coaching division and, and then in 2012 I saw the writing on the wall, and for years I kept asking myself, how am I ever gonna choose between this corporate job and what I know I really want, which is to start a coaching business. I just felt this. Pull this calling, but it felt terrifying.
Here. I was married, three young kids. I was the primary provider for my family. My husband had a beautiful job. I just made a little more money. I had the benefits. So me, the idea of me like walking away from that just was terrifying. Why? How could I do that? We had this house and we had anyway, and so I was always just asking myself a terrible question, right?
And it was, how will I ever choose? How will I ever decide which is the right way to go? And I was asking a terrible question because that that was never gonna present itself, right? And so I wrote a different question, which was, what is the relentless pursuit of the work and life I love look like, and. It was from that question, and I was at a, I was actually at a mastermind that, um, Brooke Brooke ran, Brooke Castillo ran, this was in 2012, I think.
2011. No, I can't remember. And it was led by a gorgeous human, Lisa Sonora Beam. Um, it was, she did a creative entrepreneur's workshop. And so I wrote that question and then I just, Wrote my whole vision for doing these coaching retreats on the beach and, and just creating this space for women to savor and, and go and be and connect and be real and authentic and seen in a way that.
I craved also and I wanted to be with those women, right? And so I decided to do my first retreat and I called it Be Courageous. And I actually did it here in town. I didn't even take it to the beach. But simultaneously what was also happening, cuz the universe is like that, is my company that I worked for was gonna do their first round of layoffs.
It was gonna be about 4,000 people and. As far as I remember, I might have that number wrong, but nonetheless, I was talking to my, one of my leaders at the time and she said, you know, sometimes we need to ask for things that we want. And so I did. So I asked the, uh, chief HR person if she would please consider me as part of the layoff.
And unfortunately, uh, she considered me and a lot of other people, but nonetheless, all of us are better off for it. Um, but I left and it was that fall in 2012 that I did my first retreat in Hawaii. And it was amazing, and 10, 10 or 11 people came and. Really cool things happened to all the people who came.
It was really fun, lots of great life change for a lot of people, so, so every year then I've done these Hawaii retreats, but then I was building this other business, right? I was building this corporate coaching training business, and I would go and do all the various areas, cohort coaching, training workshops, and spoke at Microsoft and c V s.
And, you know, did all the, that part. And yet I was still doing these retreats, just craving this retreat element in my life. Like, what, this is what I wanna do, but I gotta do this other thing to pay the rent. Right. Not that I don't love that. It's just, you know. Right. You all know what I mean? Like you have a thing that just caused you, so it wasn't until.
This year, cuz I had to take a break. Wasn't until this year that, and I guess I should say 2012 when I, excuse me, 2020 when I launched How to c e O, that there was something magical that happened with that program and the women who have been coming into the How to C E O program are the women I have been calling to.
Spiritually for years. And they're all, they just keep coming. And God, you guys, for those of you who listen and you're my client, I just thank you. You're like amazing. And I have wished for you for years. Genuine, authentic, real, honest, vulnerable women. Ooh, I'm a little touched. So because these women showed up, I was like, oh, they're really here, like this magic.
Is here. It really exists. These women really exist. It wasn't just a fantasy that I had that there were women like me who wanted to experience the world differently and also lead differently. And so from there I did another retreat, which sold out in a week, and then I. I'm doing another one in a few weeks in September, it sold out less than a week, and I'm onto knowing that now I get it.
Okay, so. Then I birthed the idea that leadership is feminine. And you might recall that's a podcast. If you haven't listened to that particular podcast, I'm gonna actually pull it up for you right now so that I can tell you what episode it is. I will reference that for you, but you might wanna go back and listen to it.
Leadership is feminine because it is the inspiration for where we're going. With the podcast and overall where a lot of the work that you will experience with me as you hang out over here and get to know what I do, if you're not familiar with what we do here. So leadership is feminine, is is a way for me to.
Help teach the elements of leadership that we all have to understand when it comes to running a company and leading a team. I don't teach rocket science. I don't believe that developing high performing teams is elusive and that I somehow have like this brilliant knowledge. I actually think I just share with you.
Knowing in a way that is just more palpable somehow. Maybe it's a little less, um, confusing. I think people like to make things very confusing and I don't think it needs to be. Leadership is feminine, by the way. It's episode 81. Took me a while, but I found it August 31st, 2020. And so we're, we're diving into leadership is feminine, complimenting that with how to c e o tips.
I wanna compliment that with more chronicles from my clients. Um, interviews with amazing women who model the leadership that I'm talking about and that I believe we need more of in the world. And so we will be rolling out a new podcast. And you might be guessing what the name of it is at this point.
And it will, it will be a little different. And the first season, if you will, of the podcast will be focused on reinvention. And I'm doing that twofold. I'm doing that because there's a definite energy around reinvention right now in the world and there is a huge energy around it for me and. It is also true for my clients and what I wanna say about reinvention in this podcast, because I've been through, as hopefully you've seen through how I've chronicled just the evolution of my business.
There've been several reinventions that I've gone through. However, there's always a constant, there's a theme, and for whatever reason in my life, I've been kind of kissed with that. Need to tie what I learn and the wisdom I inherit and hear and wanna share with you as it wraps into this leadership element that has never changed for me.
Packaging and direction has changed, but not the element here. And so the nugget I wanna leave you with here on reinvention as we start to think about and launch this new podcast is that you can always reinvent. And I almost am hesitant to say Rein Invent only because it almost says that we we're doing something again.
And I actually think we're at a point in the world where it's less about redoing anything. It's more about inventing. And one of the core tenets of leadership as feminine is that we have all been very insidiously infused with what we think. The world and life and leadership and business should look like.
And all of the models that exist exist because of men and what men brought to the table. And that is, that is not to disparage them. That's just the way it's been. Right. And it's like Allie Brown said in our guest experts conversation a couple weeks ago, right? Like, women are the ones who brought flex time into the business.
Women brought, you know, no nylons, more casual dress to the workplace. So, and those are just basic examples, but even the structures of businesses we follow because that's how men created them and I think. I believe that the world is ready for all sorts of new ideas about what it means to lead, run a company, create a company, manage people, and we need all of us to be at the forefront of that and to not shy away from change and new and different because it's scary because there's this proven thing over here that works.
The only way we've ever advanced is by somebody saying, no, I'm gonna do it differently and we're gonna be doing some things differently in my business and I'm terrified and equally excited and I want to, I want you to join me in that. So we're gonna be doing a. More of a season focus and that focus will, first focus will be on reinventing.
So whether you are in a, in a, maybe a lot, I know a lot of my listeners are managers in companies. If that's you, this will apply. If you have your own business, this will apply. And if you are thinking about a business and you just listen cuz you like to learn all the things, this will apply. But at the heart of.
Reinventing, recreating, creating, inventing, starting again. All of it is a belief that you can, that this isn't some sort of rule that you're not supposed to break. Right, like I've changed my podcast name. This will be the third time. And the first time I did it, I was like, can you do that? And it was great.
I got some great coaching from Brooke Castillo, who I know I talk about a lot. My girlfriend, she's, she was like, yeah, you're just gonna do it and you're gonna take 'em all down. And I was like, what? I was freaking out. How can I do that? I had like 150 episodes and, It worked out perfectly. I mean, that's what's hysterical, right?
I was so afraid to take it down. What about the people who listened to it? Like I think a lot of you are still here. I just changed the name and a little bit of the flavor. Yeah. So I think you'll find something similar, and I hope that you'll find this new invention of this new, exciting version of the podcast to be even more than it has been.
That's my goal. So what would you like to invent or reinvent? What do you think about? You say, Ooh, if I could just start that again. If I could just take that down and do something different. If I could just do this and change that, if I could just get rid of that and do that, what is it? And not the flighty stuff that comes in and out.
Listen, I have my days right where I'm like, I think I'm gonna go mow lawns at the golf course by the beach. I have those days. But you know the things that really get your attention and they no at you. Yeah. That's what we want to pay attention to. So start thinking about it cuz we're gonna do this work together and I'll be thrilled to have you join me.
So more to come talk to you next time. One more thing before you go. In a world of digital courses and online content, I like to work with my clients live because I know that when you have someone you can work with, ask questions of and meet with, you're so much more likely to get the success that you want.
So head on over to how to ceo live.com. To learn more about our very exciting, very exclusive program just for female entrepreneurs. We'll see you there.