Leadership is Feminine


Making Leadership Simple: Exploring the One Hour Leader

Aug 26, 2024


Are you an entrepreneur who just wishes someone would tell her what to do to get her team members to do their jobs? Are you striving to strike a balance between realizing your vision and leading your team effectively? Many entrepreneurs get their start with an idea or a dream, and find themselves in leadership roles without much experience, training, or formal education in how to be a good manager. Situations like this can often lead to feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or totally lost. In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy reminds us that we are not alone, and she shares two effective steps you can take that will clarify your processes and make leadership simpler.

Kris shares an excerpt from her book, The One Hour Leader, which is built on the idea leadership isn’t built on a complicated set of skills and management techniques, but instead, is all about understanding human behavior, yours and your teams, and building an ecosystem where everyone thrives and is aligned toward common goals and values.

The first step is to create a strong promise at the core of your business and making that promise the north star for every business decision you make. As Kris points out, “It guides not just what you offer to customers, but also who you invite on your team. Once that promise is crystal clear, every decision, every hire, every step forward is aligned with truth.”

In the next step, Kris emphasizes the significance of agreements - that they are the foundation to creating accountable, value-sharing, and inspired teams. She encourages listeners to examine the qualities they believe are important and she shares a list of eight thought-provoking questions to help you clarify and design agreements for your team.

If you're an entrepreneur looking to lead authentically and effectively without unnecessary complexity, tune in as Kris shares her insights and innovative leadership principles.

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  1. Addressing the Need for New Leadership Paradigms in the Current Workforce

  2. The One Hour Leader: Objectives of the book, including simplifying leadership and reducing stress in team management.

  3. The Promise of Your Business: The importance of having a business Promise and problems that arise without a clear business Promise.

  4. Clarifying Your Promise: Providing questions to help define your business's Promise.

  5. The Role Agreements Play in Creating a Positive Business Culture

  6. Questions to Help Clarify Your Business Promise: Setting the foundation for a relationship rooted in mutual understanding and respect.

Contact Information and Recommended Resources

Get Your Copy of The One Hour Leader

The One Hour Leader is THE Framework that teaches you exactly what to do to be more than sure you're inviting the right people into the right roles while being crystal clear about what you expect and what will happen if they don't deliver. Join 100's of Female Founders Who've Followed My Framework and Revolutionized Their Teams, Doubled and Tripled Their Business Size AND Radically Changed their Lives! Get your copy of the digital book and audiobook at thevisionary.ceo/onehourleader.

Join Kris to help impact 20 Million Women across the Globe!

Become a Visionary.CEO/catalyst and spread the word! Kris explains all the details on the podcast this week. Essential, go to www.theVisionary.CEO/catalyst, Register, Grab the Visionary.CEO/Podcast link from your dashboard and SHARE IT with all the women you know in your friend, colleague and network circles.

We'll be tracking links by Catalyst and awarding each Catalyst who shares her link to at least 20 women with a free digital course from Kris's Boutique.

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Show your support for female empowerment and leadership by wearing Leadership is Feminine merch! Designed for women founders and entrepreneurs, our collection includes hoodies, t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, and tumblers, each serving as a bold statement that leadership can be feminine and powerful. By sporting our gear, you help spread the message that women possess incredible wisdom and intuitive strength. Let's change the world together and show the world how capable and united we are. thevisionary.ceo/merch

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The best leadership guidance and mentorship experience exclusive for women who lead. High performing teams require highly skilled, high performing leaders. It's time to develop exceptional leadership prowess. THE LEAD LESSONS for Women equip you with the tools and strategies to navigate the leadership landscape like a true visionary.

Our unique blend of Digital Lessons and live Mentorship-calls delivers the real-world practices you need for confident and consistent leadership. thevisionary.ceo/nextstep

Work with Kris and Her Team:


Kris Plachy:
Well, hello there, and welcome to this week's episode of Leadership is Feminine. I'm thrilled that you're here.

Kris Plachy:
I'm your host, Kris Plachy. Some of you may know that I

Kris Plachy:
recently wrote a book called the One Hour Leader, and I also recorded the audiobook of the One Hour Leader. What I thought I would do here this week on the podcast is play for you the first part of the One Hour Leader audiobook. We're going to play for you, actually, through the first two steps of this audiobook. Ironically, the One Hour Leader audiobook ended up being 1 hour long, which actually,

Kris Plachy:
is kind of perfect, I think.

Kris Plachy:
So if at the conclusion of the podcast today, you would like to actually access the audiobook, I'm going to leave the link for you to do that. We also have some cool templates that you can access that help you amplify

Kris Plachy:
the tools that I teach in the

Kris Plachy:
audiobook. And you can get the actual digital version of the book along with a masterclass if you're interested in that as well.The primary reason I wanted to share this with you right now, though, is we're getting ready to reopen up and launch the Lead Lessons program. And the Lead Lessons program is a live, interactive advisement and coaching program for female entrepreneurs like you to get the

Kris Plachy:
help that you need so that you

Kris Plachy:
don't have to continue to be on the struggle bus when it comes to leading and managing your teams and building a business that you love and that you can feel joy in. So I hope you'll enjoy this audiobook. It's interesting because I don't normally script myself, and so this audiobook, I'm a little scripted. I think I did an okay job though with it. And like I said, if you'd like to actually access the audiobook and the digital book and the templates, all of that information will be at the end of the podcast. So thank you for tuning in today. We'll see you soon.

Kris Plachy:
The One Hour Leader introduction. Welcome. I'm eager to share powerful, concise, and practical wisdom with you in the pages of the One Hour Leader. I'm Kris Plachy, the founder of The Visionary CEO, and the mind that brought the One Hour Leader to life. This book is one of among many other resources dedicated to female entrepreneurs and leaders like yourself, who are not only seeking to elevate their team's performance, but to also find joy and ease in the art of achieving results through others. Leading, at its core, is a legit, tough endeavor. Many of us, perhaps, like yourself, step into leadership roles armed with passion and vision, yet often without the formal education and background in managing humans. This gap can leave us feeling lost, dabbling in feelings of incompetence, swamped by shame, or even wrestling with frustration. It's a familiar story, and if it resonates, know that you are not alone in this.

Kris Plachy:
Conventional leadership training, the kind that's been around for ages seems to be anchored in the past, crafted during the dawn of the industrial revolution. While it served its purpose back then, our world has transformed dramatically. Our workforce is now beautifully diverse, consisting equally of men and women, filled with roles that demand creativity, innovation, and vision. This shift calls for a new leadership paradigm, one that embraces simplicity and is grounded in the real needs of today's teams. The One Hour Leader is my invitation to you to explore leadership through a fresh lens. Despite the billions of dollars poured into leadership development globally, the old models seem inadequate for today's challenges. It's time for a change. Leadership isn't about mastering this set of skills.

Kris Plachy:
It's about understanding human behavior, yours and your teams. It's about building an ecosystem where everyone thrives, aligned toward common goals and values.As we navigate this book together, we'll dissect the essential elements of creating a high performing, collaborative team. But before we dive into the practical steps, I want to share a perspective that's close to my heart. My podcast, Leadership is Feminine, underscores the belief that while leadership isn't gender specific, there is an undeniable imbalance in the energies that dominate our current leadership models. The world has leaned heavily on masculine traits, undervaluing the power of empathy, connection, and collaboration, qualities that are traditionally seen as feminine. This book is not about sidelining one for the other, but finding harmony between strengths. It's about empowering you, especially if you resonate with these so called soft skills, to lead authentically and successfully.

Kris Plachy:
If you ever felt out of place trying to fit into a leadership mold that doesn't align with who you are, this journey is for you. Why is this book called the One Hour Leader? Let me lay it out for you. I've spent a ton of time working with clients and cooking up resources and tools, all to get to this one simple point. Leading a team doesnt have to be the massive, headache inducing challenge that everyone makes it out to be. Honestly, after years of diving deep into leadership development, both for myself and for the teams ive been a part of, I noticed something kind of funny. The more complicated these training programs got, the heftier their price tags. But its like the more they could confuse you, the more they felt justified in charging you an arm and a leg. I get it.

Kris Plachy:
Everyone's looking to make a buck, especially those in leadership development. But this whole idea that leadership has to be this super complex, almost unattainable skill, that's just not true. It's a myth that's been sold to us, making us think we need endless resources and training to get it right. I don't know about you, but I actually prefer to pay more for simplicity and clarity than rather wade through even more complexity than I had before I started. Here's my take. Leadership isn't about piling up skills. It's about getting really, really good at understanding people, both yourself and others. Once you nail that, everything else, like dealing with team issues, whether it's not hitting targets, skill mismatches, or attitude problems, becomes way simpler.

Kris Plachy:
That's why I call the book the One Hour Leader. It's based on the program I created with the same name. My goal for you is pretty straightforward, to give you a framework that's so effective you won't find yourself stuck on any team issue for more than an hour. When I talk about sorting things out in an hour, I'm talking about having a solid process to fall back on. Think of it as building your business's brain. You lay out how your team fits into the bigger picture of your business, set clear boundaries, and defined what accountability looks like. So when issues pop up, you're not scrambling or getting swayed by emotions, yours or anyone else's. You've got a clear process that guides you on what to do next.

Kris Plachy:
It's a game changer. Without it, too many leaders waste time and slow down their companies because they're not comfortable leading people. This leads to dips in performance, a lack of accountability, and blurry lines between what leaders and employees are supposed to be doing. But once you get the hang of leading as a practice, something you can get better at with a simple framework, you'll start to see that even tough decisions aren't so tough anymore.Imagine how freeing it would be no matter what the issue, whether it's Rhonda in accounting or Janice in IT, Dave in marketing, your personal assistant Lisa, or George, the VP of sales. Heck, even if it's family members working in your business, you wouldn't be stressing out. Imagine knowing you've got a framework that'll show you your next best step, cutting through the drama and emotion that usually clouds your decision making. So why the One Hour Leader? Because I want you to be able to lead a self directed high performing team that helps you nail that million dollar business dream of yours, all in 1 hour or less.

Kris Plachy:
That's the promise I'm making with this framework and this book. It's not about making things overly fancy or complicated. It's about clarity, simplicity and yes, a bit of gravitas on leading effectively. So, my friend, if you are ready to redefine leadership on your terms, to build a business that not only succeeds, but does so through values and methods that resonate with you, then let's step forward together. Let's discover the simplicity and power of

Kris Plachy:
The One Hour Leader.

Kris Plachy:
Let's begin the first step in the 1 hour leader framework, the promise of your business. All right, let's dive into the magic at the core of your business and the most essential first step of our framework, the promise of your business. The gorgeous clients I get the joy of working with, heart centered, service driven individuals are in the business of magic. They are turning visions into reality, ideas into services or products that people across the globe can buy right from their living room. It's truly something special. And if you're reading this, you've already taken the brave step to make your mark. Kudos to you. But here's the thing.

Kris Plachy:
A lot of visionary entrepreneurs struggle with getting others to really, quote, unquote, get their vision. There's a lot of talk about vision, mission, purpose. But I prefer to call it a promise. Why? Because when you start pouring your heart, cash and resources into your idea, you're not just starting a business, you're making a promise. A promise to change something, to make a difference. Take my journey, for example. After years of coaching and advising female leaders, the feedback I kept getting was how working together transformed not just their businesses, but their personal lives too. That's when it clicked for me.

Kris Plachy:
When one woman thrives, she impacts every aspect of her world. And that's powerful. That realization was a journey, a hard won synthesis of what I stand for. It's my promise to prove the power of one thriving woman. But getting to that promise wasn't overnight. It took time. And once it was clear, it became a powerful filter for everything I do. It's essential because we visionary types are full of ideas and easily distracted.

Kris Plachy:
A clear promise keeps us and our team members anchored, focused on what we're here to do. Now, think about your business. It started with you, but it's not just you. It's got a life of its own now. So what's its promise? If your business could talk, what would it say it's here to do? This is crucial not just for you, but for how you build your team. People today want to work for something that matters, something they can believe in. Back in the day, work was just work. You clocked in, did your job, clocked out.

Kris Plachy:
But now work is about meaning, balance, alignment with personal values. As a visionary, you get to define the promise, attracting talent who want to be a part of something bigger. Ever invited someone on a trip without telling them where you're going? Their first question is always, where to? Same goes for your business. If youre asking people to join your journey, they need to know the destination. Without a clear promise, youre just gathering bodies, not hearts and minds passionate about your mission. Hiring the right people starts with knowing your promise.

Kris Plachy:
Its not just about skills, its about finding people who share your dream. My business, for example, promises to unleash the power of thriving women. That promise guides everything, especially who I bring on board. If someone's just looking for a paycheck, they're not for me. Visionary businesses are different. We're about heart, meaning, and impact. So how do you nail down this promise? It might be simple for some, tougher for others, and that's okay. The key is it needs to inspire you. Be easy to remember and guide your decisions.

Kris Plachy:
And if you're stuck? Hello, technology. Tools like chat GPT can help brainstorm, kickstart your thoughts, or even draft something based on your ideas. It might not be perfect, but it's a start. I've seen the power of a clear promise in action. One client revamped her entire team direction in minutes. Once her promise clicked, suddenly everything made sense. The who, the why, and the how of her business. It was like flipping a switch.

Kris Plachy:
A clear promise doesn't just guide your business, it revolutionizes it. So here's my challenge to you. Take some quiet time, grab some post its or a journal, and brainstorm. What is the promise of your business? What would it say? What would your clients say? What would your team members say? Look for patterns, words that resonate, descriptions that feel true to you. And if you need a hand, there are resources, templates, and coaches like me ready to hone your business promise at The Visionary CEO.Remember, this isn't just an exercise. It's your business's north Star. It guides not just what you offer to customers, but also who you invite on your team. Once that promise is crystal clear, every decision, every hire, every step forward is aligned with truth.

Kris Plachy:
And trust me, when you operate from that place of clarity and conviction, there's no limit to what you and your team can achieve. Questions to nail down your promise: do you know the promise of your business? Have you thought of it that way? If you think about it, your business isn't you. It may have started because of you, but it isn't you. So if this business is not you, and you are not your business, but you are the custodian of the business, what does that make you the custodian and caretaker of, in terms of the promise?What does your business have to say about its promise? If your business had a voice, now that you've birthed it and given it resources, started to generate customers and client revenue, what is the promise of this work? What would you like the promise of what we do here to be? Why does this business exist? Who is this business for? Who will be better because this business existed? What would be the legacy of this business? How will the people who leverage whatever it is you offer through your business? How will their lives or businesses change?If you'd like more specific prompts and directions to use with Chat GPT, go to thevisionary.CEO/templates to streamline this step.Step two of the One Hour Leader framework, the agreements. Stepping into step two of our One Hour Leader framework, we're talking about something crucial, yet often overlooked, agreements. It's like we're navigating a world that's somehow forgotten. The art of accountability. It's everywhere. Or rather, the lack of it is. And boy, isn't it frustrating trying to find people who actually do what they say they're going to do, who take pride in their work.

Kris Plachy:
It's a bit like hunting for unicorns sometimes. Now, you might notice in a lot of places, companies are all about showcasing their values, right? You see it plastered all over their lobbies or your websites, talking about the experience they want to offer or how they want to be perceived. That's classic. But it's also a bit outdated. Those values don't necessarily guide whom you hire. But what if, after we nail down our promise - because yep, that's step one and it's a biggie - we start crafting agreements. Agreements with the very people who will help bring our vision to life.

Kris Plachy:
Making agreements isn't a foreign concept. We do it all the time in our personal lives. Ever made plans with someone for coffee? That's an agreement. But when someone doesn't show up, you follow up, right? Because an agreement was made. This kind of relational approach is what's been missing in traditional management, treating employees just as quote unquote workers without considering the relationship or the ecosystem. We're all a part of just doesn't cut it anymore. We're beyond the days of just exchanging money for work without connection. Early in my management career, I was over the whole chasing people around to get work done.

Kris Plachy:
It's exhausting, right? If you're like me, and I suspect you are, since you're diving into this book, you've never needed someone to chase you down to do your job. So encountering people who need that kind of nudging can be baffling. That's why it's essential to start this relationship with clear agreements applicable to everyone you bring into your fold. But how do you know what these agreements should be? Reflect on the best and worst team members you've ever had. What traits did they have? This reflection helps you understand what you value and those you work with. From there, list your non negotiables and your fantasy team member traits. This exercise is more than just insightful, it's foundational to setting the stage for the kind of people you want to attract and retain. And remember, top talent is attracted to leaders and teams that share their values.

Kris Plachy:
It's a two way street. You can't expect exceptional team members if you're not willing to be the leader they are looking for or to cultivate a team that reflects those shared values.So what's next? Crafting those agreements. Think about what would make someone love working in your business. This isn't just about job descriptions. It's about the culture, the ecosystem you're creating. It's about saying you'll love working here if you value communication, feedback, pride in your work, personal growth. Establishing these agreements sets the foundation for a relationship rooted in mutual understanding and respect. It's not just about the tasks at hand, but about nurturing a culture where everyone is aligned toward that same promise, the same vision.

Kris Plachy:
Leadership, at its core, is about understanding human behavior, yours and your team's. And it's from this understanding that we can co create a thriving ecosystem driven by shared agreements. So take a moment and draft those agreements. Keep them concise, memorable, and reflective of the culture you're aiming to build. Because at the end of the day, the behavior of your team members, more often than not shapes the success and challenges you face as a leader. Setting these agreements early on makes it infinitely easier to navigate those challenges together. Now it's your turn. Go make it happen.

Kris Plachy:
Use these questions to clarify and design agreements for your team. Number one, consider the best team member you've ever had. What attributes did they have? What did they value? Number two, now think about the worst team member you've ever worked with. What made it so difficult to work with them? What attributes were they lacking? Number three, based on your reflections, what do you value in a person you work with? Write down all the positive attributes that you appreciate. Number four, what are your non negotiables? These are behaviors, actions, or traits that you absolutely cannot tolerate. Number five, imagine your fantasy team member. If you could design a perfect team member. What attributes, values, and behaviors would they have? Six, do you believe that top talent is attracted to leaders who share their values? Reflect on how you could be better and become that leader.

Kris Plachy:
Number seven, what agreements are you willing to make to people who work for you about how you will show up and act as their leader? Number eight, think about the agreements you want to establish within your team. How do these reflect the culture and ecosystem wish to create? Draft three to five sentences starting with you'll love working here if to define what makes your business a unique and attractive place to work. If you'd like more specific prompts and directions to use with chat GPT, go to thevisionary.CEO/templates to streamline this step.

Kris Plachy:
That's the conclusion of the first two steps of the 1 hour later. I hope you liked it. If you'd like to get the audiobook and also the digital book, go to thevisionary.CEO/onehourleader. There you're going to find access to get the book. It's $4.99. That's $4.99. You'll get the audiobook included with that. If you'd like to, you can upgrade and include the templates that we put together that go with each of the sections, each of the steps of the One Hour Leader.

Kris Plachy:
And you can also access the masterclass.

Kris Plachy:
Which is a four part video masterclass that we created as well.

Kris Plachy:
I hope you enjoyed this little snippet of the One Hour Leader, and I also hope you'll go check out the rest of the book and share it with other people that you know. Thanks for tuning in today.

Kris Plachy:
Remember that I asked you to be a part of my Catalyst podcast event where I I'm inviting you to become a visionary catalyst. Share the podcast link with women that you know, and as soon as you hit 20 shared links clicks on those, we can measure that. I'm going to give you one of my bonus digital courses. Go to thevisionary CEO Catalyst, get yourself registered, grab the podcast link super easy, and please share it with women that you know that are leading in the world. Because I love to be able to impact 20 million women, I know that when women feel more confident in who they are as leaders, it changes who they are in their lives. Let's help women live and lead on their own terms. I can't wait to see how many clicks we get.

Kris Plachy:
Let's get it.

How Million Dollar Female Founders
Transform Their Team

The One Hour Leader

What if your team knew exactly what to do without you having to tell them? What if instead of having to micromanage them, they took direction and did it right the first time?

That’s what you’ll find inside The One Hour Leader: How Million Dollar Female Founders Transform Their Team. This book will show the EXACT steps to design your high-performing, self-directed team.

Get The Book

Here, leadership is feminine, equity is non-negotiable, and every woman’s growth is vital; not optional. We believe love is love—and the more love, the better. Spirituality is personal, and every individual has the right to choose their own path. We respect facts, laws, and systems that create clarity and fairness for all. And above all, we know that the point of being human isn’t to judge or divide, but to expand—through connection, experience, and honoring what makes us different.