Leadership is Feminine


Exploring Women's Relationship with Money with Kendall Summerhawk

May 16, 2022

How much do you allow yourself to have in regards to money? As women, we are conditioned to “tuck it in” when it comes to being extremely successful in earnings. Shame often accompanies this conditioning and holds us back from fulfilling our full potential both for ourselves and for those we love. But a woman’s relationship with money is more deeply connected than it appears on the surface. In this episode, I talk about women and money with award-winning leader and creative founder of the #1 business and money certified coach training academy, Kendall Summerhawk. Kendall specializes in and emphasizes putting the power to make money into every woman’s hands. We discuss how critical it is to rewrite our relationship with money, the impact of money stories, choosing to control and not control, and so much more. I hope her wisdom and experiences help you shift into magical CEOing and having an abundant life.

“It isn’t selfish at all. If you’re making money through your business… you’re working for it, you’re offering value, you’re changing people’s lives… you have to be the guardian of your dream.” – Kendall Summerhawk

What You’ll Learn

  • You are in relationship with money
  • Who has earned the right to know
  • The impact of money stories
  • The fix is your own growth
  • Magical CEOing
  • Sharpening the blade
  • What you’ll learn working with Kendall

Meet Kendall Summerhawk

Kendall Summerhawk is an award winning leader and the creative founder of the #1 business & money certified coach training academy for Firestarter women who want to be high earning coaches. When Kendall launched her coach certification academy, she pioneered a revolutionary approach that fills a gap other coaching schools miss. Her revolutionary approach is why the women Kendall certifies make money, fill their coaching programs and stand in the power of creating financial independence. Kendall runs a 7+ figure business working from home in Arizona, and enjoys riding dressage with her beautiful Spanish horses and spending time with her husband and business partner, Richard.

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kendall Summerhawk

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Kris Plachy: Hey, I have a quick announcement before we get started. So many of my clients start How to CEO because they have issues on the team, and they can’t figure out, okay, is this a me thing, or a them thing? Am I the problem? Or are they the problem? In order to address that, I’m doing a 5-day course live, called The Team Audit.

It’s hosted in a couple of weeks in May. You need to register. Go to www.krisplachy.com/audit, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it. Everyday, I’m going to teach you exactly what you need to do to determine, are they the problem? Or am I the problem? And then what do I do about it once I know the answer? www.krisplachy.com/audit, sign up now, it’s going to be amazing, it’ll be fun, and mostly, it’ll answer that very pressing question that I know you have. Now, back to our regular programming.

Welcome to Season Three of the Leadership is Feminine podcast. I’m Kris Plachy, and I’m so happy that you’re here. In this season, we’re doing something different. One of the things that I believe to be true is that there is so much unsourced beautiful wisdom in the everyday person. I really like to talk about what I call obscure wisdom. That means these are things that people know, that unless we meet them at a cocktail party, or at a barbecue, or sitting next to them on a train, we don’t hear about it.

And these aren’t celebrities, these aren’t people who’ve written bestselling books yet, these aren’t people that are on the circuit that everybody else is learning from. These are everyday women, who are CEOs, building, dealing with, working through all the pieces and parts of running a company. And I want to bring my beautiful clients, and their wisdom to your ears, because I know that you’ll find it to be validating, and insightful, and hopefully also some fun. So, without further ado, let’s get started with this week’s amazing personal client and guest on Leadership is Feminine.

All right, everybody, thank you so much for joining us on this episode of Leadership is Feminine. I’m thrilled, really thrilled to be sharing this time with Kendall Summerhawk. Kendall and I worked together for several months, starting towards the end of last year, if I recall. And Kendall runs an incredibly beautiful business, and has been running a beautiful business for quite some time. And so she is quite the sage in her world and in the way that she supports other women. And so, Kendall, welcome to the show. Kendall Summerhawk: Thank you. I’m so excited to be here. I hope I can keep my butt on the chair. Kris Plachy: Okay. Kendall Summerhawk: I’m that excited. Kris Plachy: I mean, you can move around, if you want. I’ll be fine with that. So, I’m thrilled that you’re here. It’s nice to see you again. I know we haven’t seen each other for a few months. So, before we get started, why don’t you just, for the listeners here, tell us who you are, what your business is, everything you think we should know. Kendall Summerhawk: Okay, great. Kris Plachy: Maybe a few things that we shouldn’t know. Kendall Summerhawk: We’ll get naughty. So, I am Kendall Summerhawk. I’ve been in business 21 and a half years. Oh, my God! And what we focus on exclusively at this point in the business is our certified coach training. So, I’m the creative founder of the number one certified coach training for women who want to coach other women entrepreneurs. And so my whole mission, Kris, as you know, because you helped me in our coaching create this gorgeous statement that really was taking what’s on my heart and bringing it out into words, is my mission is to put the power of making money into every woman’s hands. So, we do that through certified, because when I certify a woman to be a business coach from wherever she’s coming from, whatever her background, whatever wisdom and experience she brings to the table, we take that, add my stuff with that into this wonderful alchemy and what comes out are women that are certified to be business coaches for other women entrepreneurs, so they’re making money. One of the things we teach is the high-ticket business model. And then the women they’re coaching, whatever industry that’s in, they start to make more money, so it’s this incredible ripple effect and that’s what gets me up excited every day— that, and my horses. Kris Plachy: Yes. Which I think we should talk about also. I want to build on this though, because what I selfishly learned from my own clients, right, like I’m all in. Listen, it sounds great and I really, really valued in our conversation, your perspective around money and wealth and access to money, and a relationship with money for women. And so I kind of would love for you to share with people listening, since I know the majority of these listeners or women, what do you want women to know about money? Kendall Summerhawk: That’s a great question. I actually got chills when you ask them that question. What I want them to know is, first of all, you are in relationship with money for the rest of your entire life. You know, you’re in relationship first with yourself, of course. And after that, I really think money is going to be the only relationship that you will have between here and the last day on earth. And it’s an odd thing to think about it that way. And people say, “Really, I don’t know if that’s true.” It’s like, wait a second, does a day ever go by where you don’t have thoughts of some kind that involve money? And the answer is probably no, a day never goes by. So, if you put it in that context, this is a relationship, then as women, we all want to value our relationships, give our love and brilliance to our relationships, have our relationships be something that nurture and empower us, as well. So, I think that’s first. The second thing is that all of you listening here, you are so much more powerful around money than you realize at this moment, your ability to make money, wherever you are, whatever your circumstances right now with money, it doesn’t matter, wherever you are, you have so much more available to you than you’ve probably ever conceived of. Kris Plachy: That is so… I know I’ve heard this said before, too, right? Like, there’s never been a better time to be a woman with Wi-Fi and a laptop. Kendall Summerhawk: I’ll tell you. The ability for women to make money, I mean, in my lifetime, your lifetime, Kris, we’re not 20 years old anymore. We’ve seen that few things, we’ve been around the block a few times. And the ability for women to not only make money…You know, when I was a little girl, that was the start of women being able to make money at a job being a secretary or nurse or teacher – wonderful profession, so, I’m not knocking those at all, or being an assistant of some kind, women are always assistants. But then the last, just really the last few years, the ability of women to make insane, crazy amounts of money we’ve never even conceived of before, is now fully available to us. And it’s so new, this is the first time, not just in our lifetimes, it’s the first time in our entire planet’s history of women being in this place and having this opportunity. And I know that’s big talk. It’s a grand concept. And I want to chunk it down because a lot of our relationship with money shows up and just how much do we carry in our wallet? How much do we allow ourselves to have in our bank account? Do we track our money on a daily basis? I was just about to reach for my money tracking sheet. I have it on my desk every day. Do we allow ourselves to have more than enough? And we can talk about that more if you want, that concept of overflow. So I think that we have to realize we’re in relationship, we’re capable of so much more. Don’t let that overwhelm you, let it inspire you and say, okay, what are some of the practical things that I can be doing today to serve my dream of how much I want, and what I want it for, and to really create a beautiful lifestyle that serves ourselves and serves the people that we love. Kris Plachy: So, there’s so much that you’ve packed in there that I think a lot of women have to work through. And one of those initially is the relationship, the way that you’re expressing relationship, and to be open to allow yourself to believe and to indulge, and to relish in your financial success. Because I think women tuck that in, because it doesn’t feel like that’s something women are supposed to do. I was just coaching someone yesterday actually, who has a huge, very successful business, but plays small when she’s with girlfriends, especially friends from her past because it feels like she’s going to be ostracized that she won’t fit in. And honestly, they shame her, like they make comments about: “What are you doing? Why are you doing?” Because I think it’s so critical for everybody listening. You need people in your life who will whisper this kind of wisdom to you, or yell it at you. Kendall Summerhawk: I’ll yell it. Kris Plachy: Yeah, when a woman steps into her power, her financial power in this case, it doesn’t just change your life, it isn’t selfish, you actually contribute to and change the lives of so many others through that belief that you can have an abundant life financially, right? Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah, let me let me speak to a couple things, I hope I remember both of them. One is that it isn’t selfish at all. If you’re making money through your business, that isn’t inheriting money, that isn’t something that was just handed to you, you’re working for it, you’re offering value, you’re changing people’s lives. And so understand that. So right there, selfishness, it’s not part of our money story. The other thing that I always say is, you have to be the guardian of your dream. And there’s a few components that go into it. But the most relevant one here is that you need to be very particular, very choosy about who you share your numbers with. Because not everyone has earned the right to be a witness to your numbers. And that includes family, it could be people in your household, it includes certainly friends, colleagues. And I’m not saying you have to be like Ebenezer Scrooge and hunkering down and being all secretive and weird and distressing. I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is, be specific, be particular about who you share your numbers with. Because what’s happens when you do is you are definitely creating a portal of vulnerability, and you are likely to then witness someone else’s money story— their reaction, it’s their story, it has nothing to do with you. It’s their story. And I remember, you know, my business is a family business, as you know, and I have staff as well, I have team that’s been with me a long, long time. And I also have my family that work with me in the business. And I remember when I started making a million dollars, over a million dollars a year, and it was maybe the second or third year into that… I’ve been in seven figures or multi seven, every year since 2008. So that’s a long time. Anyway, so I remember picking up the phone and I needed to talk to my brother, and he was already working for me, and seeing some of what was going on. And he and I are very close, we’re very close, he is just a year younger. But I remember I needed to clear it with him, not to get his permission, but I needed… And this was probably, I don’t remember when this was, like 10/12 years ago, it was a little awkward. But I just said, “You know, David, I just need to let you know, I’m actually making a lot of money here.” And I just needed to air it because I felt like I was hiding something from him, and that’s not our relationship. And his words were, “You go girl, you go sister.” I mean, he was so excited and happy and proud for me. And I needed it to be okay, whether he was proud of me or triggered or not. Either way, I need to be okay with it. So, I think you have to be the guardian of your dream. And for the person you were coaching, who has felt the sting of other people’s money stories, kind of vomiting on them, you’re client—pardon me blunt, but you just have to realize it’s not about you. And it really truly is not about you. Don’t let it mean anything about you. And the other thing I’ll say about that, because I’ve been making money for so long, a lot of money and I’ve coached thousands of women on money, is that you never know, don’t underestimate, you never know how your success is going to impact somebody, even the people where they have a little bit of a negative reaction, you have no idea how it’s going to ultimately impact them. And I’ve seen that happen over and over, where it actually ends up impacting them in a very positive way, maybe six months later, a year, five years later. You just never know, so why not be a role model for that possibility? Kris Plachy: Yeah, everything you know, the more we can do this, and the more we can…Your language is so amazing: “portrayal of vulnerability, their money story, like you’ve just stepped into their money story.” I just think all of that’s very, very powerful. And I just to build on it, in my experience, talking about, like, being careful who I share my numbers with, what is lost on a lot of folks who aren’t entrepreneurs, is they hear what the revenue is of your business, and they assume it’s all yours. Kendall Summerhawk: Right. You have no expenses and you owe zero in taxes. Kris Plachy: When I started hitting seven figures, and I told my family, and I can tell their brain is like… Kendall Summerhawk: Doing the math. They’re trying to do the math. Kris Plachy: When you’re not an entrepreneur, you don’t understand what that involves to generate that, and then the outflow to run that company. It’s very different. Kendall Summerhawk: And the risk you take. Kris Plachy: Exactly, and the stress, and all the other things that I know we could talk about. So, I do want to ask you a little bit more about your business, but before I do that, I do want to transition really quickly and ask you why you started your business? Kendall Summerhawk: Oh, that’s such a great question. I’ve not been asked that a long time. I started my business because my mother told me so. But here’s the thing: she told me so when I was a little tiny girl. So, my mom is wonderful. She works with me in my business. And she always worked for herself. She’s never had a job. She’s always worked herself. She was a hairdresser. Growing up, she was very successful, just one-person hairdressing studio. But she was very successful. And this is a time where women—everybody else’s mom had an apron and was making cookies. My mother has never baked a cookie in her life. I don’t think she knows how to mix butter and flour together. So, she was very successful, and I watched her run her business. And she always told us, “You work for yourself, and you do something that’s portable.” Those are the requirements; you do something creative, you work for yourself, and you do something that’s portable. So, I grew up and I grew up watching her. I would help her go to the bank, I would help her count…She was hairdressers, so she got paid and checks and cash back then. And that would help her with her money stop every week. I was six and seven years old. And it just stuck. At that time, when I started this business, I had been working for… I’d worked for a couple of startup companies. And that that was fascinating, learned a lot, they went belly up. I was in healthcare, worked for a company for like five years, a very large health care clinic. We had 500 doctors, I mean, they would see thousands of patients a day. And I was the head of their computer department. And I just wanted to work for myself so badly, so desperately, and looking for what that opportunity would be. And finally, through just a series of whatever steps—it’s not like I said, “Oh, I want to be a coach,” I actually took a nine-month self-help class in person every weekend for nine months. And got into this in… I was so fascinated by self-help. I love self-help. I think it’s the coolest thing on the planet. And it’s one of those things like many of us, I think, one thing leads to another, and ended up being a coach. So really, I started the business because my mom told me we have to be creative, work for ourselves and do something that’s portable. Kris Plachy: How fortunate you are to have…Really, that’s a gift that Kendall Summerhawk: It was really a gift, and to see her be empowered, and just to learn basic skills. When I was 12, she built a fancy house, was in Sunset Magazine a few times and built her hairdressing studio as part of the house. And so from 12 on, she was actually there, and I would make appointments for her, you know, and I was just surrounded, and we become what’s imprinted. Kris Plachy: Absolutely. Kendall Summerhawk: So that really made a difference. She never imagined I’d make this kind of money. Kris Plachy: Yeah, it’s so nice that she wasn’t a government worker. Kendall Summerhawk: Oh, my God, versus my dad who had my life all lined up for me. And I was going to be I don’t know, an assistant of some kind, maybe, as long as it did not interfere with having children and serving my husband and cooking dinner every night. And I remember at 14 hearing his life plan he laid out for me, and I had a thought bubble with a nasty word. And I was clearly rejecting that idea. Kris Plachy: Yeah, that was not going to be your future. Kendall Summerhawk: No, I wanted…I love…And also, as it turns out, that this is where you make all the money, women, this is where you make the money. And I think that, for a lot of your listeners, if you’re not at your income goals yet, and trust me, I’m not at my income goal. None of us are. It’s a continual journey of self-growth. And really, I believe making fabulous money is part of our spiritual path. But whatever level it is, if you go from 50,000 a year to 100, oh my God, that’s huge. You go from 100 to 300, that is freaking huge. I went that year from 100 to 564,000 in one year, and then the next year, it went to a million. Because I decided in 2006 or 2007, I wanted to be a million-dollar business, that’s what I wanted. And it only took two years to do it, and it blows my mind. And it wasn’t easy. I mean, it was a lot of it... I don’t want to say it’s a painful process, but there were painful moments where I was so up against my stuff, and I had to work through it. Kris Plachy: That’s the…I think the part that, you know, in the work that I do, obviously, working with women who want to learn how to lead and manage it, a lot of folks, a lot of people in general just think they need to learn a tactic to do stuff and I’ve gotten to the point now where I’m like, “Listen, if you want to learn how to write a job posting, just Google it, it’s not hard to find.” But that’s not the fix. The fix is your own growth. It’s becoming the woman who even knows what to put on the job posting. It’s becoming the woman who even knows how to think like an entrepreneur. Kendall Summerhawk: It’s becoming the woman who has other people doing things for her. That’s even it, the woman who has things…Especially because…I’m sorry for jumping in, but I got so excited with what you said. Because as women starting businesses, we have a pretty strong streak of independence. Kris Plachy: Yes. Kendall Summerhawk: And self-reliance. Kris Plachy: A little controlling. Kendall Summerhawk: Okay. I’ll own that. I am a control freak, there’s absolutely no doubt about it. Kendall Summerhawk: You’re good company. Kendall Summerhawk: I am a good company. And it is learning what we want to control and what we don’t want to control. And I think that for our types of personalities, just the willingness to say, I am someone who is worthy. I am someone with a big enough dream. I am someone with a desire to grow, that desire strong enough that I’m going to hire somebody to help me. Now let me go Google the job description. Kris Plachy: Yes, there we go. Yeah, it’s the personal growth and the self-awareness and the exploration that I think…And that’s harder work. I mean, to me, that’s the hardest part of all of stepping into owning a business, is what you are called to learn about yourself, if you are open to do it. Kendall Summerhawk: Everyday, every damn day. Kris Plachy: I think you have a good story. And we talked about this sort of in our pre-conversation, but when you hired me, when we started working together, you had a real resistance to calling yourself the CEO. I recall several conversations where you were like, “It’s not me.” And then we had a breakthrough. Do you want to tell people like what happened? Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah, I’m just laughing, because resistance is putting it mildly. And one of the many things that I so value about working with you, Kris, is the lightness with which you hold things and the flexibility that you have as a master coach, so that you are guiding and you’re allowing me to have my process, but not just to sit there and stew and sink in the process. And so I hired you for a reason, because I needed to be more of a CEO and more of a leader because I do want to multiply my revenue quite a bit. And so the resistance to being a CEO because I have this construct in my mind of what that is. And it’s a guy with a suit, who’s mean, who doesn’t pay people well. I pay people well, it’s really important. And who can’t be trusted, because he’s all just business. I have this whole image, right? And it’s like The Wolf of Wall Street, or whatever it is, like that kind of guy. So, I have that. So I don’t want to be that person. And I had other reasons too why. I don’t remember right now, but I had quite a bit of resistance. And I remember several times saying to you, I just don’t relate to this, and I was mad. I remember being like, “I don’t relate to this, this isn’t who I want to be, I don’t want to step into this.” And then somehow, magically, you know, that’s the thing, when you work with a masterful coach like yourself, is that there’s a magic that happens and you’re like, “Wait a second, what just happened?” You don’t even know exactly because you’re in the process. But I’m going to share what the shift was. The shift was instead of being a CEO, somehow, I turned it into a verb, so I’m going to CEO like, okay, right now, I’m going to go copyright and then the next few minutes, I’m going to go CEO. So it’s time to go CEO. I’m going to CEO today. And that…I don’t know what it was. It just made it so fun. Kris Plachy: Yeah, we turned it into a verb. Because you’re like, “Wait, I’m CEO-ing.” Kendall Summerhawk: I’m CEO-ing. Kris Plachy: And I said, “Yes.” And so this is good news. And I love…It was such a notable shift. But I’ve always remembered it because it was like, oh, dear. Kendall Summerhawk: It’s like if that was the only thing I got, that was worth it, I’m CEO-ing. And this is so fun. I told my mom and she’ll go, “Okay, it’s time for you to CEO today.” And it’s just so much fun. And so it allows me to have fun with it and be playful. And now I don’t have the resistance. It’s funny, as we’re talking about this, when I think about being a CEO, well, of course, I’m a CEO. Kris Plachy: When you say “I’m going to go CEO,” what does that mean to you? Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah, that’s a great question. For me, at this time, at this stage of my business, what it means… because we’re in a really…I almost feel like we’re starting the business over in a certain way. I’ve been feeling like that the last six months. So, it means that I’m hiring. I finally was able to hire a key person on my team, a copywriter, which I had unsuccessfully tried for years, so I was stuck doing on copy. So that flicks on hiring, looking at strategy. And I’ve always been good at delegating, because trust me, I love people doing things for me. But I’m an acts of service girl, all the way. Kendall Summerhawk: Ask and you shall receive. Kris Plachy: Oh, yeah, but it’s asking for things that, in the past, I would have said, “No, I still need to do that, or that’s still in my job description,” so to speak. And so it’s really, I think, delegating those things that were the toughest. And the other thing I’m doing is holding myself accountable to a vision of a company where I am… I mean, I have a lot of freedom, you know that, I have a lot of time freedom, and holding myself accountable to a vision where I have even more freedom, even more freedom, and the business revenue tripling and quintupling is my goal over the next two to three years. Kris Plachy: I love it. I love it. Because I think that’s, you know, for me, I know when I think about being in my CEO role versus my coach role, as an example, it’s when I’m at the top of the vista. Kendall Summerhawk: Correct. Kris Plachy: Because that’s really where my value is to the organization. My value is not in a landing page, right? Even though in that moment, I feel it’s very stimulating to be able to update a link. Kendall Summerhawk: Not so much for me anymore, trust me. Kris Plachy: We have those little things that we have to grow out of, in order to expand our ability. Kendall Summerhawk: I think you just said it. It’s, I’m allowing myself to grow out and to be grown out of those things that I used to feel, you know, that we’re in zone of excellence, but not zone of genius. Kris Plachy: Exactly. Kendall Summerhawk: And I think your zone of genius, when you say at the top of the VISTA, as a client, that’s how I experienced our coaching as well is, you know, we did our best work holding me there as well. And there’s not any one way to be a CEO, there’s not any one way to CEO. And I think that you have a remarkable flexibility. Well, actually what it is, the flexibility is a byproduct of what I see as your absolute 1,000% commitment to me, each of the people who get the pleasure of working with you on the journey of working with you, to hold ourselves to doing it the way that works for us, not by formula, but by what is authentic for us. I think that’s a big issue out in the world, because we were talking about this before, there’s so many prescriptions for how people should CEO, and they’re either put forward by men, and God bless them, it works for them, but it doesn’t work for women, or they’re put forward by women who are modeling the men’s way. And I just think we’re so unique as women, and we’re so new at this game. And so to have someone on board, like you who holds us to really diving deep, and saying how do you want it? Because it’s not always the easiest question to answer. Kris Plachy: No. And I appreciate you saying all of that because I know, you know, the truth is—and I’m sure you would say something similar about your business, there are basics that we all just have to understand, like managing money, there’s just some basics. It’s not an opinion, it’s just basics. But then how you create that in your world, the canvas that you design is what makes your business so incredibly attractive to yourself, to the people you would hire, and to the clients you would attract. And so the more you create an authentic voice as a leader and as a CEO, the better everybody is for it. And I love that you brought in sort of our historical and foundational knowledge is all based on very masculine models, that you know that’s why this podcast is called Leadership is Feminine, because we… Kendall Summerhawk: That’s why hired you, by the way, when you renamed the podcast, I listened to you before here and there over the years, but when you renamed it, I went, “Oh my god, that’s me. I’m in.” Kris Plachy: I love that. I love that. That’s so good. That’s a great example of what we’re just talking about, right? Kendall Summerhawk: Yes. Kris Plachy: When I said it for the first time I was like, “Whoa, I wonder if people that…” But I just think we’re…And we’re in a really tumultuous time when it comes to this issue. And so, for women in the world, you know, this is my constant rallying cry, is we’ve got to go all in on each other here. We have to. Nobody’s telling me, you know, if it’s their way, it will all look like it did 100 years ago, and I’m out. I am not up for that. Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah. And I think that… I was going to say no knight is coming on a white horse and I own these gorgeous white horses, so I guess I get to be my own knight. Kris Plachy: You can do my knight, I’ll take you. Kendall Summerhawk: Okay. I think that the other thing I want to say—I know we’re going to have to wrap up here soon. You and I could talk for three hours. Kris Plachy: I know it. Kendall Summerhawk: – is that wherever you are on your journey, don’t believe the leadership mystique that it all is smooth sailing and easy, because it isn’t, you’re going to be faced, especially when you’re starting to add team, you’re working with people. And I had worked with teams since my early 20s, so I had worked with teams for a long time and learned began like oh my god, because I was working for startups and ended up being—not in a leadership position. But especially when you’re working with other people, you’re going to have bumps in the road. And you have to trust your instinct. And I look at those bumps in the road as an opportunity to clearly define who I am as a leader? What are the values of my company of how we treat people? And I get excited about that, that makes me really excited. So yeah, you know, dealing with a problem employee, and if you have to fire them, it sucks. Firing people sucks always. But at the same time, it’s like, how can I fire somebody, how can I do it in a way that’s respectful to myself and to my other team members and respectful to that person… Kris Plachy: Yes. Kendall Summerhawk: …to the person I’m firing? So, every one of these opportunities or challenges is truly an opportunity to define and strengthen— I call it sharpening your sword, the sword of who you are, you’re sharpening the blade, you’re sharpening the blade. And now it’s like, bring it on, anything. I don’t care, I can handle it. Kris Plachy: That is so empowering to hear. I love that you just said that. Because that, ultimately, is what I hope for everybody I know and including myself. I love that feeling of it’s okay, like I can handle it, whatever you got, just bring it my way. I’ll figure it out. Instead of feeling like there’s these holes in your business that, oh, you’re in dread if it happens, right, and fear. You’re such a motivating person to talk to, Kendall. I agree, I could do like for more of these episodes. I did want to ask you one last question, which I referenced right at the beginning, which is your program that you certify business coaches, because I think there’s women who are listening who might be like, that’s sort of interesting. So could you give us sort of your two-minute like, these are the objectives, this is really what you will learn and have access to and be able to provide to people in the world after being with you. Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah, that our core flagship is the money breakthrough business coach certification training, and that’s where you learn to be an awesome fabulous exceptional business coach, regardless of what past experience you have or don’t have, it doesn’t matter. And what makes us really unique, it’s really a three—it looks like a Venn diagram—a three section thing. We teach you how to coach using my courageous coaching methods so you coach like a freaking total rockstar in 30 minutes sessions or less. We’re really about the empowered soul-deep coaching that happens quickly, because when you go soul deep and you follow the Courageous Coaching method, that can happen The other thing that makes us so unique is that we provide a done-for-you curriculum, if you will, that you’re getting trained to deliver and certified, and in these seven different pillars of business coaching curriculum—and what’s cool is that it’s all done for you and brand as your own. You get to add yourself to it and you get to change it, you get to add your other modalities or expertise. It’s not designed to be delivered either as a complete system or mix and match Kris Plachy: Modules, or… Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah. And add yourself into it, because I’m a creative person because my mother told me that, and I know I attract very creative people, so it’s very flexible. And then the third prong of this, the three legs to the chair, to the stool are the private coaching, the business mentoring, how to sell, how to market, and really, we focus a lot on money. I don’t want to say money mindset, it’s really money skills training, which includes mindset. Kris Plachy: It’s like money acumen, its money acumen. Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah. And the high-ticket business model we’re a super big fan of. I’ve been doing high-ticket since 2006 before it was even called high-ticket. So, there’s so the women coming through our certification, the ROI, the Return on Investment is like within two/three clients, I mean, we help you make money right away. That’s our whole goal is for you to have a return on that tuition within a few weeks, couple months, whatever, very quickly, but they start to make a lot of money. I mean, we’ve produced million-dollar business owners out of this certification, and many, many, many at the six and the multi six figures. If you want to coach women entrepreneurs, and if your desire is to coach women entrepreneurs, we’re who you come to, to learn how to do that. Kris Plachy: So good to know. And so I’m so glad you had this opportunity to share that with everyone. Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah, thank you for that. Kris Plachy: Where can people find you? Kendall Summerhawk: Yeah, couple of URLs, my main URL is www.kendallsummerhawk.com. And then I have a free… I’m all about pricing, I love putting money into the context of pricing, because it’s so practical, and it’s the number one thing you can do to rapidly and radically shift your revenue. is pricing. So I have a free pricing guide, and that’s at www.kendallsummerhawk.com/pricing. Very simple. Kris Plachy: Oh, well, that’s easy. I’m going to get that myself. I love it. It’s a question that I get asked too by my clients, right? Like, how do I price this? Kendall Summerhawk: How do I price this? What do I charge? And the pricing guide is 15 Do’s and Don’ts. It’s a do’s and don’ts list, and it’ll start to open up you’re thinking. And because it’s money, it’s a lifeline journey. Kris Plachy: Yeah, and it freaks people out. It’s either too low or too high, not valuable enough, to valuable, too…. Why don’t we just go through it? [inaudible 46:47] You’re spot on. Kendall Summerhawk: Yep. Kris Plachy: But thank you for the time and for your wisdom, as always. It’s been a pleasure. And I know I’ll talk to you again soon, and all y’all listening, go connect with Kendall. You’re also on Instagram? Kendall Summerhawk: Yes. Instagram, it’s kendallsummerkawk, it’s all one word. I just click the link, so... Kris Plachy: All right, everyone. Have a wonderful day. Kendall Summerhawk: Thank you. Bye-bye. Kris Plachy: Bye.

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