How to Make a Difference with Jennifer Krepps
Mar 28, 2022
Whatever your individual purpose is, you are designed to make a difference. Finding precisely how, although, can be a winding path. The very focus on making a difference can cause unwelcome detours, typically caused by fear… Fear of failure, lack of knowledge, feelings of inadequacy… But when you settle into being yourself, follow your heart, and trust in that, you will also achieve your goal of making a difference. In this episode, I chatted with Jennifer Krepps, the owner of Kritter Kare’s Howliday Inn and Kritter Kare’s Pet Sitting all about this. We discuss wanting to bring an increase in the level of respect in her industry, the desire to thrive and not simply survive, moments that define your legacy, and much more. During our time together, Jennifer wisely compares scenic stops to enrichments in our life journey and I hope this podcast is a scenic stop for you.
“You’ve got to pursue what’s in your soul, what really matters to you. And, I think, in doing that, you will make a difference at the same time.” – Jennifer Krepps
What You’ll Learn
- Making a difference by being yourself
- Scenic stops
- Reinventing how to pull people in
- Thriving versus surviving: Who are you listening to?
- Moments that define your legacy
- Lies of sunny skies
- Scared but doing it anyway
Meet Jennifer Krepps
Jennifer in her own words…
“I am a down-to-earth, Midwest lady with a drive to design a life and legacy that reflects my core values in giving quality time and service to others.”
About Kritter Kare 4 U LLC (DBA Kritter Kare’s Howliday Inn) Kritter Kare is a boutique style dog care facility & in-home pet sitting service located in Columbia, Illinois. They started providing in-your-home pet sitting/dog walking services in June 2009, and Jennifer Kreps, company owner, explained at that time what the company purpose was then and still today, “Kritter Kare is not just a pet sitting business, we are a pet caring company. That is our foundation. That is our focus.”
Contact Info and Recommended Resources
Connect with Jennifer Krepps
Connect with Kris Plachy
- Work with Kris: How to CEO
- Email: [email protected]
- Medium
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Kris Plachy: Welcome to Season Three of the Leadership is Feminine podcast. I’m Kris Plachy, and I’m so happy that you’re here. In this season, we’re doing something different. One of the things that I believe to be true is that there is so much unsourced beautiful wisdom in the everyday person. I really like to talk about what I call obscure wisdom. That means these are things that people know, that unless we meet them at a cocktail party, or at a barbecue, or sitting next to them on a train, we don’t hear about it.
And these aren’t celebrities, these aren’t people who’ve written bestselling books yet, these aren’t people that are on the circuit that everybody else is learning from. These are everyday women, who are CEOs, building, dealing with, working through all the pieces and parts of running a company. And I want to bring my beautiful clients, and their wisdom to your ears, because I know that you’ll find it to be validating, and insightful, and hopefully also some fun. So, without further ado, let’s get started with this week’s amazing personal client, and guest on Leadership is Feminine.
Hello everybody, I am so excited today, welcome to the podcast, Leadership is Feminine, I am interviewing one of my amazing clients, Jennifer Krepps. Jennifer is amazing, and has been in How to CEO program for… How long?
Jennifer Krepps: Since either April or May of 2021.
Kris Plachy: Okay. So, almost a year.
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah. I’ll be able to participate in an amazing year plan program that you do.
Kris Plachy: See, listen, we’re always up leveling, just a little. Okay, so Jen, tell everybody who you are, and what you do, and why your beautiful business exists in the world?
Jennifer Krepps: So, my business is a dog care facility, it also includes a pet-sitting, in-home pet-sitting service—that’s where it started, and then it evolved into a brick and mortar. I am in the Midwest area, and live in Illinois, so I live in a rural community, and I am a reformed doer. I’m now a driver.
Kris Plachy: Should we say a reforming, a reforming doer?
Jennifer Krepps: Yes, I’m a reforming doer, trying very hard to learn how to be a driver, but my whole journey started pretty much without my desire, actually. I was let go. My business or the company that I worked for let me go due to the service changing, and so, I had to redesign myself and I always had a passion for customer service, and for pet care.
So, it made sense to me to try and do something and money-wise, it started out doing the pet’s thing, because it was easy to get into, it was an easy entry. And then it evolved into I’m missing clients, I’m missing opportunities, and so it grew to a brick and mortar, and we’ve been in business since May 2016. And after basically a year and a half, two years, we reached six figures. So, that was really exciting, even like I said, for a smaller community. So, I knew there was a need, and I’m thrilled where we are today, and only want to do more. So, it’s kind of exciting, I won’t lie.
Kris Plachy: I love it. Yeah, I love the story, right? I think there’s a lot of listeners who are tuning in today, who can identify with what you said. I liked that you talked about how this was easy entry, right? I was able to get in as a pet sitter, right? And just start making myself available, and then there’s only so much capacity, which is true for so many solopreneurs, right? Beyond, eventually there’s only so many hours in a day, and so many pets you can feed in a day.
So, in that natural progression, and so there’s pros and cons with that, right? Because the pro of course is, this is cool, it’s growing, and you’re expanding. I would imagine part of the con is not really having the plan for that extended growth, like you went from pet-sitting to now having a boarding care, right?
Jennifer Krepps: Yes, correct, correct.
Kris Plachy: So, what would you say, knowing what you know now, what has been the most difficult part about that transition?
Jennifer Krepps: I think you touched on it, the plan. I think the idea that a business plan is enough, is not, not realistic. There is a whole plethora of other issues that you have to tackle, and I think if I knew then what I know now, it would be surrounding myself with other entrepreneurs, women especially, because there’s that whole giving and approach that women have. And that’s part of the reason why I’m doing what I’m doing, is because I want to-- I’m a caretaker, you know? There’s a caretaking nature to us.
And finding that support, finding that business coaching is huge, so, it levels you up to a point where you don’t feel so alone, which is another challenge with being in this world. And then obviously just having that background knowledge that you can’t get from just starting your business. Like I said, I’m a reform doer, so I just followed the task lists. I didn’t have to strategize. I didn’t have to do the things that I’m doing now. I love it, but it’s not just second nature, it wasn’t something that I went to school for, I had to do it. So, being thrown into that pot and trying to swim is a little challenging when you don’t have people there with life vest and so forth to guide you according. That working to you.
Kris Plachy: “Here, grab onto this. No, no, hold on, I’ve got you, pulling you to the side.” And it’s interesting because you’re in an interesting market, right? We have a few clients who work in pet services, and you have this client who is an animal, but you also have a client who was the owner, right?
Jennifer Krepps: Right, correct.
Kris Plachy: Okay. And so, what is your goal with this business? What are you trying to achieve?
Jennifer Krepps: This expansion is certainly… Realistically, I want to expand, so I have a real drive to take what I’m doing now and replicate it elsewhere. I’m not sure how big I want to be, but I definitely want to expand. But there’s a bigger sense of wanting to—and I’ve mentioned this to you before, and I think it’s maybe even overused, is that I want to make a difference, I want to give a voice to this industry, which I think it’s been abused in a way, it’s not been presented in a way that’s reaffirming to both the client and the pet.
And there’s just a whole level of loss, and it’s sad. I want to see this industry have more respect, and I want to give it through excellent customer service, more care for the pet, that there’s this whole level of not feeling trusted, or that the client doesn’t trust us, they don’t know that what we’re doing, they don’t know if everything’s going to be okay. And that has to stop. So, I’m just hoping that I can change that in some way, I can make it different.
Kris Plachy: So, the thought that you have, or one of the goals that you have is to make a difference, right? You want to make a difference. How does that thought also get in your way?
Jennifer Krepps: I think it gets in the way by my own limiting beliefs. I think one of the challenges with wanting to make a difference is that you sometimes do things out of fear. Maybe it’s a fear of failure, maybe it’s a fear of lack of knowledge. And the best example I can use is when I got divorced, and I’m now remarried, but through my divorce, I had two boys through that marriage, and there was this whole fear of them not loving, not wanting to, you know, their father was still very involved in their life, so, I was competing with him.
And I lost my ability to parent, I started parenting scared. And I saw this whole transition of my kids not trusting me, not believing me, not knowing that I was the same person, because I wasn’t respecting who I was as a mom, I was trying to be something I wasn’t. So, I think when you are trying to make a difference, you get lost in the difference, and you forget about the fact that you’re, you know, you’ve got to follow your heart, you’ve got to follow what you’re doing.
And you’ve got to trust in that, and not worry about if you’re not making a difference, or if you’re not doing what you’re supposed to, or what you originally thought maybe through your business plan, or whatever you motive that you came up with. Yeah, I think theirs is some limiting features with just focusing on making a difference. And so, there’s got to be a pursuit, you got to pursue what’s in your soul, what really matters to you. And I think in doing that, you will make a difference at the same time.
Kris Plachy: I love…Well, first of all, thank you for sharing that, I think a lot of women will identify with what you said. And I think it’s ironic, right, when we say one of the most important things for me is to make a difference, and that belief actually makes us compromise who we are in order to make a difference, when really, how we’re most going to ever make a difference is by being ourselves. And then that’s the right person, the right way for the right people, and not everybody will want what we have when we’re making a difference, and that’s okay, right?
Jennifer Krepps: Correct.
Kris Plachy: Is that expression.
Jennifer Krepps: And I think that was something that I’ve learned through this program, is to trust in myself, and not compare myself all the time. Compare myself to other businesses, compare myself to other women, compare myself. That, I think is…That’s limiting. That’s a limiting belief, and it just doesn’t work, it wears you down, and you become very exhausted from that feeling.
Kris Plachy: Yeah. And I think that’s a lot of the reason why a lot of women don’t do a program like this, because they have fear around not being good enough or feeling terrible about themselves, when other people are making this much money, or have this many businesses or clients. And what I hope anyway is been your experience, is, I think How to Ceo is the great level set. It’s like, it doesn’t matter if you have a $16 million business, or a $200,000 business, you still have days where you hate people.
Jennifer Krepps: Exactly.
Kris Plachy: You don’t want to work, or you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing, and yeah, that’s my hope, is that we create a space where you’re just you.
Jennifer Krepps: Exactly, exactly. And I do like being…The people that I’m in the group with, probably, I don’t know if I’d ever would have met other than through this group. And that’s fantastic in itself, I mean, that’s a door that I’m so glad I walked through.
Kris Plachy: Me too. What a nice way? “That was a door, I’m so glad I worked through.” I like that.
Jennifer Krepps: Thank you.
Kris Plachy: I think I should come up with other doors I’m really glad I walked through.
Jennifer Krepps: Definitely, definitely. I call that scenic stop. You know how many times you’ve been on a road trip and you haven’t stopped to those little scenic outlooks, or those scenic moments? Because you’re just like, “I got to get there, I got to get there.” But if I would’ve just stopped, how much better would have my journey been?
Kris Plachy: Wow!
Jennifer Krepps: I’m so glad I got to stop and do this.
Kris Plachy: This is really well said, I’ll be thinking about it. I do that all the time, and we all live in these places. I mean, I live in a place that people pay…My kids and I have this conversation a lot. We live somewhere that people save for years to be able to come, and we can just go there in an hour and hang out, and then we come home, right? And so we just…
Jennifer Krepps: Right.
Kris Plachy: … you know, you’re absolutely right, you don’t really invest in it. Okay. So, I know that the last couple of years for many people, including you in your business, right? This pandemic has been a little rough on service, businesses, especially public, facing people coming in and out of doors. So, what would you say has been, you know, I’m reluctant to say the biggest challenge, because I think a lot of that is given, but really more the biggest learning out of this last couple of years for you?
Jennifer Krepps: The biggest learning that I have is—I think you mentioned it in one of the classes, one of the episodes, one of the training calls—that there was this belief that this pool of people that we could connect with, would always be there. And knowing that my businesses is obviously very connected to the travel industry, but it’s also the pool of people that I am connecting with, are the same pool of people that I think a lot of restaurants connect with, or other service industries that maybe have a more cyclical turnover, it just happens more frequently. So, it’s never been an issue before, to try and reach out to an individual, or a pool of people, and find what I needed of the mountain, have them for the time that I could…
Kris Plachy: As far as like a team member?
Jennifer Krepps: Yes, exactly. And so, that learning challenge, or that opportunity, I think is the reinventing of that, the inventing of, how am I going to—because I can’t do it all by myself. So, I need to figure out a way to learn how to pull these people out from the shadows, of sorts, and bring them in. I need them, and that’s been, I mean, you talked to me, you said you didn’t really want to mention challenge, but that’s certainly a huge challenge, and I know I’m not meek in that.
Kris Plachy: No.
Jennifer Krepps: But the learning part, it’s exhausting, and it’s invigorating at the same time, because I’m glad I’m learning something new, because I know that I’m a survivor, and I know that by learning these things, these skills, I’m going to be a better business person, a better entrepreneur, and I am going to be able to scale, despite things like pandemics, or whatever.
Kris Plachy: Yeah, and I like the word thriver, over survivor.
Jennifer Krepps: Ah, thriver, I like it too.
Kris Plachy: Yeah, and I think that all businesses have encountered these, “Oh, okay, this doesn’t work the way it used to.” And we have to be really, really careful in these moments right, of where we fill our bucket. Where do we go to get information? And I was actually listening to a podcast, and now I wish I could give good credit for it, now I can’t remember, but they were talking about looking at times in your life when things didn’t go as well, as you would like, versus times when things were thriving.
And one of the things, the guests on the podcast said—I think it might’ve been Jay Shetty, just to give him credit. But he said, “One of the things that I’ve learned to do is to reflect on, okay, this was the time that was difficult, who was I listening to?” So, if I find that in my life experience, I was really bummed out about being a mother or something, right? Like, then show okay. So, who was in my ear? What was I buying into? And it doesn’t have to actually be a person that you know, it could be programming, TV, Netflix, books that you’re reading.
And so, it’s important, I think as a CEO, in these times when things are really tumultuous, to be sure that you are feeding your brain, not just positive, but constructive direction, instead of just—because there’s so many people who are, the sky is falling messaging. I just talked with another client for a podcast interview, and we talked about hiring. And her belief is the law of desire, she said is, “As soon as I know what I want, they exist, it’s a universal law.” And I was like, well, that’s powerful to just believe. Instead of, “I wonder where they are. I’m never going to find them. They’re so hard to find.” So just as you know, I think, because I think a lot of people resonate with what you’re saying, we’re all competing, right? At the service level, there’s a lot of you competing for talent.
Jennifer Krepps: Sure.
Kris Plachy: And yet, I will tell you my daughter, who is 17, and totally amazing, and captain of the soccer team, and exceptional, right? Just have a lot of experience, right? Applies to get jobs and they don’t want to hire her. So, that says, there’s there still to me, wherever you live, there’s still a lot of really great people who want work, but it hasn’t synced up yet…
Jennifer Krepps: Yes.
Kris Plachy: Rather than giving people the whole process, yeah?
Jennifer Krepps: I agree, I agree.
Kris Plachy: Yeah, so I’m glad you said that though, because I think a lot of people relate to that. So, we have time for a couple more questions, and I really want to know for you, like when you talk to other, knowing what you know now, right? Like, now you’ve built this business organically, gone through one of the most challenging, probably times to run a business that any of us will ever go through, I hope.
Jennifer Krepps: I hope so, too.
Kris Plachy: [Inaudible 19:45] can we just agree?
Jennifer Krepps: I hope so, yeah.
Kris Plachy: You and I are contemporaries, I think we had ours like that, “Okay, got it.”
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah.
Kris Plachy: No more.
Jennifer Krepps: Listen, we’re good.
Kris Plachy: What is the wisdom here, that…Because you could have folded this thing up, and said forget it, right? Like, oh, no. But you haven’t. So, what’s the wisdom you would share maybe with another woman who is feeling a little bit like, what’s the point, man? Like, this is hard to run this company, maybe I should just go, as I say, work at the clinic counter.
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah. And I think you’ve heard me say that several times, where I’ve wanted to just close up shop, I’m done, this isn’t fun anymore, I want to returned back to a comment I made about stopping and enjoying. I think that when you’re so focused on the journey, that you forget to stop and recognize the joy, the moments of joy. And there are moments of joy, regardless of the challenges, there are moments of joy— joy that you’ve created something like you’ve talked about, you create it from scratch, you created this magic, and it’s here, and now you’re living it, and you’re touching people’s lives, either through opportunities, or through services, or through product, or whatever it might be. You’re touching people’s lives, you’re making a difference.
And I think that when you look at it that way, you can enjoy those moments, because they’re defining your legacy. And that legacy is something that you should embrace and cherish, and recognize that, love that, and share in that, talk about that with others, talk about that with your business coach, or your life coach, or somebody, somebody that can say, yes, you’re right, you’ve done it, you made this. You have this little baby, like, we talk about, our little baby. And being a mother, and you being a mother, we can appreciate it, and that means something, that you’ve created something from nothing, and that’s fantastic, that’s…
Kris Plachy: Magic.
Jennifer Krepps: That’s magic, yeah, that’s definitely magic.
Kris Plachy: And commendable.
Jennifer Krepps: And love that.
Kris Plachy: Ooh, that give me goosebumps. How much of this version of Jen goes to work every day?
Jennifer Krepps: As much as it possibly can be. I don’t…if I may, I had a moment today, where I was, an employee, a new employee was supposed to start and texted me at 9:40 last night, and sent me a message saying, “I’m so sorry, not going to be taking the job.” So, today has been a very…
Kris Plachy: I’m not laughing at you. I just have heard this story. I think what happens to people? They just decide on that day. I just hired a new executive admin, and I was waiting till on Monday morning for her to text me to say, “I’ve decided not to come.” Just to hear about this so often. So, I’m not laughing at you, it’s just some sort of weird.
Jennifer Krepps: It’s bad. I mean, the woman gave me a hug, after her working interview, saying how excited she was about this opportunity, and then the next thing I know, she’s sending me…And it’s hard to not have this cynical, negative attitude about people after all of that. So, I can say that there are days where this side of me that you’re getting to see, this side I’m sharing with you and your audience is a shining beacon, and then there’s days where I literally don’t want to get out of bed.
Kris Plachy: He stayed in bed and you’ve got to go deal with it.
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah, and I want to hurt people, I want to… I’ve turned into like the Hulk, and I just rampage and destroy something, but yet, it’s okay, it’s all right. And that’s life, it’s never going to be exactly what you want it to be, so you have to recognize the fluid nature of it, go with the flow.
Kris Plachy: Yeah, and I love that you said that, because I was talking with somebody else last week about this, and we were talking, I decided I’m going to do something on this, I haven’t decided what it is yet, but like, there’s a weather in a company, just as though there’s weather out there, right?
Jennifer Krepps: Yes.
Kris Plachy: And you live in Illinois, so you have really good examples of whether— the Californians, they’re a little less tolerant of weather, right? If it’s not 62 and sunny, like something’s wrong, right? But it’s this belief that it should always be sunny skies inside your business, that is such a lie. So, what I’ve heard you say is, savor the moments of joy, savor the moments that feel amazing, savers the moments that are easy, and also there will be days where there’s clouds and thunder, and maybe even a little tornado blows through. But it doesn’t mean you’re not prepared, it doesn’t mean you have the tools, and it also doesn’t define the whole thing, it just defines a moment.
Jennifer Krepps: Correct. Yeah, I was going to say, you and I both know Tonya Dalton, I’ve worked with her, and she’s been a guest on your show, and support our guests with your program, and she commented about something, she said that success is not a checklist item, it’s a daily choice. Like, that’s completely true. Because I think before I started doing this, even, I used to think, “Oh, I just had to get to this level, and then it would be an easy road, I won’t have to worry about things anymore. I just need the right team, and then it will all be good, and I won’t have to worry about this anymore. I just need this dollar amount, and then I’m not going to have to worry,” and there’s nothing about that that’s true.
Kris Plachy: No. I love that you… I’ve had that conversation with so many people, and people like to still argue and say, “Yeah, well, things are still easier when you have more money,” yeah, well… Like yes, some things get easier, but then do you know what else? Things get harder. So, things that you didn’t even know about become hard, and so that notion, and it doesn’t feel any different, nothing feels different, hard is hard, is hard, it’s just hard, I don’t want to deal with it. It’s the same emotion that I have now when something’s hard, as when I had when I was 22 when I didn’t want to do it. It’s just that the things are…
Jennifer Krepps: Absolutely.
Kris Plachy: …The consequences are different, but.
Jennifer Krepps: Absolutely, absolutely.
Kris Plachy: Okay, so what’s one thing, you have this beautiful business in Illinois, you’re taking care of the pets—not even pets. Mostly dogs?
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah, not at the brick and mortar, but all types of animals that we care for in the home.
Kris Plachy: Pet Zoo.
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah.
Kris Plachy: And then the name of your business is what? Because it’s very cute.
Jennifer Krepps: It is cute, I love it. So, the name of it is Kritter Kares, and it’s with Ks. So, Kritter Kares, and then Howliday Inn? So, I have to make sure that when I call people that I say it that way, because a lot of times, they’re, “I didn’t think of the Holiday In.” “I know, I know.”
Kris Plachy: Especially in the Midwest.
Jennifer Krepps: I just made reservations for myself at the Holiday Inn, I know. We’re a dog care facility.
Kris Plachy: Yes, in the Midwest, you all say it like that ha-li-day, with your accents.
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah.
Kris Plachy: Let me know that you have an accent.
Jennifer Krepps: How, how… [laughter] Yeah, I don’t even hear it, I don’t even hear it, but it was funny, I was in Phoenix, and I was ordering food, and the gentleman that waited on me said, “Are you from St. Louis area?” I was like, “how do you know that? That scared me,” and he said, “your accent.” I have an accent? Oh, wow, okay.
Jennifer Krepps: You do. So, yeah.
Kris Plachy: Oh, people say that at times. I’m like Californians don’t have an accent.
Jennifer Krepps: But yeah, I think that’s in… [laughter] I don’t hear that, but okay, that’s fine.
Kris Plachy: Okay, I have another question…
Jennifer Krepps: It’s too funny, though.
Kris Plachy: I have one final question.
Jennifer Krepps: I’m glad I have an accent.
Kris Plachy: Yes. What is something that you’re afraid of, but you’re determined to do it anyway.
Jennifer Krepps: Are we talking business? Or are we talking personal?
Kris Plachy: We could do both.
Jennifer Krepps: Okay. Business wise, what I will do anyway, even though I’m a little afraid of it, is I really want to do what you’re doing with the podcast. I would love to do that. I think there’s something really exciting about sharing good information with the masses. So, I’m hoping to do that, and even though this was very nerve wracking, being with you today. I won’t lie, I practiced, I practiced, I practiced, I still don’t think I did as well as I would’ve liked to, but that’s all good.
But yeah, that would be my business goal. And the other one is skydiving. I would love to-- I’m scared of heights, but I am determined to skydive sometime. It used to be taking a trip by myself. I always was concerned about, I don’t know why, I just don’t like being by myself, and now, I’ve done it once, and I can’t wait to do it again. So, I figured if I can do that, then I can skydive.
Kris Plachy: I don’t know, I think those are pretty [Laughter]
Jennifer Krepps: You didn’t see me during that trip, I was like bawling and having, because it just so happened where I went, there was no phone service or anything, so I was completely, completely separated from everyone. And that freaked me out a little bit, I won’t lie, but I did it, and so, that’s why I say I think I can do skydiving, but I get the point, that it’s not the same.
Kris Plachy: I do that, I think that skydiving is a good idea. So, travel alone all you want, come to Hawaii, sounds like a great idea. Jumping out of a plane, pass.
Jennifer Krepps: Maybe I’ll just jump off of a ladder, a tall ladder onto something very cushy, and that will suffice. Or do those skydiving where you can do it indoors, maybe that will give me the experience, without actually jumping out of a plane.
Kris Plachy: I like this plan much better, yeah.
Jennifer Krepps: I mean, I’ll just come to Hawaii and say the heck with it all.
Kris Plachy: I think it’s a great idea, that’s even better. And I love your business plan, I think that, listen, I believe everybody has a podcast or a book or both in them. And as I was listening to you, you have a role here, that I think is bigger than—this is what I would say, based on what I heard you say, which is, you have a goal and a purpose that’s bigger than the logistics of care daily. It’s more about a relationship that you want to help people change in their minds in general, on both sides of this partnership that people have with their dogs and care, right?
And there’s so much growth in your industry, that feels like there’s space there for some thought leadership, that I’m willing to bet doesn’t really exist in a way that is palatable, both for the public, and also for people who are practitioners. The thing about podcasting, and any kind—I consider it art, I think this is art, I think coaching is art, I think that work is art.
Jennifer Krepps: I agree.
Kris Plachy: And we have to make art for ourselves. So, you paint a beautiful picture, because you feel like painting, not because somebody wants to buy it from you, right?
Jennifer Krepps: Good point.
Kris Plachy: You paint it, and then maybe somebody wants to buy it. But the true artistry comes internally, right? And then, oh, good news, someone wants to buy it. So, I think when you stay in that space with your podcast, and I hope anybody who’s listening to this feels this, right? Like, don’t record a podcast with the expectation that people will listen, record a podcast because you have something you want to say. And…
Jennifer Krepps: That’s the first time I’d heard that before, so that’s great news.
Kris Plachy: Yeah, that’s enough.
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah. I like that, I can work with that.
Kris Plachy: I think you should do that immediately.
Jennifer Krepps: I think I’ll think about it.
Kris Plachy: That is my dog. Can you hear my dog?
Jennifer Krepps: And mine is doing it too, I’m petting her so she doesn’t keep [Inaudible 33:15]
Kris Plachy: She [Inaudible 33:20] completely, of course. Right on cue. But its okay, it’s actually good timing. So, anything else you would share before we sign off for the day?
Jennifer Krepps: I would like to share a personal thank you, a personal thank you for your grace that you’ve shared with me, because I think that’s something that I was lacking, and you filled up that empathy cup that I need, and that understanding, and there’s something special about that that I can’t put into words. Other than by saying thank you, thank you for being available, thank you for doing this, and following your soul’s purpose. And know that it’s definitely made a difference in my life, so I just wanted you to know that.
Kris Plachy: Well, thank you.
Jennifer Krepps: You’re welcome.
Kris Plachy: Well, we’ve had some good chat, and I feel so blessed to do what I do, so I agree. It’s just lovely when whatever our individual purposes are, right? That we find those intersections, and I do believe that every woman that comes into this program is here for exactly the right reason, and for exactly the right amount of time. And the cocktail that we all create together is something that I think that’s the part I never even really thought about, until I was doing this longer and longer, and I realized, oh, this doesn’t even have that much to do with me anymore, it’s just this space that we all have for one another.
Jennifer Krepps: Yes.
Kris Plachy: But you’re lovely and gracious and beautiful and you’ve done a beautiful job, and you’re continuing to do so. So…
Jennifer Krepps: Yes, and I’m glad I have you in my life now, so that my beacon shines a little more than my dark clouds.
Kris Plachy: No dark clouds, no more.
Jennifer Krepps: Yeah, definitely. Thank you, Kris.
Kris Plachy: Well, thank you so much, I really appreciate you being here today, thank you.
Jennifer Krepps: Thank you. You have a wonderful day.
Kris Plachy: Thank you.