Visionary Resistance

building a team business growth businesses challenge change. confidence discomfort doubts feminine goal achievement hiring kris plachy leadership limitations opportunity revenue support thought leadership vision vision realization visionary doubt women Oct 21, 2024


As a driven visionary, you have a clear idea of what success looks like—but the path to get there isn't always straightforward. Doubt, fear, and hurdles often creep in, challenging your confidence and testing your resolve. In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy explores the experience of visionary doubt—the internal struggle that arises not just once, but repeatedly along your entrepreneurial journey, and asks: are you willing to overcome the discomfort and focus on who you need to become to achieve your vision?

She further discusses that the doubt often kicks in when business owners hit a point where they can no longer manage everything by themselves or the business goes through a big shift. It's a crucial part in an entrepreneur's journey, and Kris says being able to adapt is a marker of success.

Kris also emphasizes the power of seeking advice from your future successful self - the you who has already achieved your vision. This can provide a fresh perspective and motivate you through the doubt you may be experiencing.

Tune in to discover how embracing change, confronting doubt, and a willingness to change can propel you towards the growth and success you're seeking.

Doubt will win every time if you don't invest in how you think and how you feel and how you act.”

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  1. Visionary Doubt Isn’t a One-Time Experience: Discussion on self-doubt that emerges along the visionary’s journey.

  2. Challenges Entrepreneurs Face: How these issues can impact the entrepreneur's confidence and belief in their own vision.

  3. Overcoming Visionary Doubt: The need for a shifted perspective and the importance of resilience and believing in yourself.

  4. Understanding Growth and Change: Taking inventory of your willingness to change and experience discomfort in order to reach your goals.

  5. Importance of Perseverance and Adaptability in Business Growth.

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Kris Plachy:
Hello. Thank you for hopping onto the podcast this week. My name is Kris Plachy, and I'm your host. Welcome to Leadership is Feminine. If this is your first time here, this is going to be an interesting one for you to tune into. We talk all things leadership and female entrepreneur and leadership thing. But this week, I'm gonna do something a little, what's the word? Weird, I guess, is the right word, or just different? We'll go with different. I've been leading retreats in Hawaii for 13 years.

Kris Plachy:
You all hear me talk about that from time to time. I just concluded the last one. It was amazing, as is always. But this one, I don't know, just had a thing. And I started these retreats back in 2012, and I remember that one of the very first questions I ever asked at my very first retreat is still one of my favorite questions. And that question is, what do you wish wasn't? What do you wish wasn't? And my people at my retreat looked at me like, "What? What? Do I... like..." Just write it down and read it. What do you wish wasn't? And it proves to be a pretty powerful question when you let yourself answer it, right? Cause basically it shows you where you are arguing with a reality. You're arguing with the past, you're arguing with a current circumstance, you're arguing with someone else's behavior, someone else's decision.

Kris Plachy:
In your mind, you wish something wasn't, which means that you're wishing for something that does exist. You wish it didn't, or someone or a circumstance or an experience. And so, it, it has been a real core of my work. It's part of why I think I really dove deep into difficult people and difficult conversations and difficult decisions, and it's why I help so much of what I do with my clients is through, you know, sort of a socratic process, though, of moving through difficult moments. Helping them find their wisdom and their answer so that they no longer are just yelling at what is. And so while I was in Hawaii, I wrote what I'm going to share with you.

Kris Plachy:
And it's very short. It's only three minutes or so long. It's just. I don't know that I call it a poem as much as a, I don't know. What do we call these things? I'm not a writer. Even though I write all the time, I don't know the right word. It's a series of stanzas. We'll call it that.

Kris Plachy:
Really about what do you wish wasn't and how futile it is to waste any extra energy on wishing things were different than they are. Because for as long as we yell at what is, we do not find what could be. Right? So that's what I made for you today for this podcast, is a short little stanza series about wishing for what wasn't or what isn't. And I hope it helps you think about where you also might be standing still and staying stuck where you have potential to move forward. If you just stop yelling at what is. I'll talk to you next time.Yelling at the brick wall. You shouldnt be here. Wishing the blowing wind just shouldnt be there. When we wish what wasn't is and we wish what isn't was, we expend energy that won't, can't or doesn't bring us any closer to finding a new solution.

Kris Plachy:
There is no way to make what was again. There are only choices that move us forward or keep us stuck. The past is gone, the present is our current truth. But the future, our future always exists in our next step. And we will either choose to yell at what is, wishing - she, he, they, them - it should just change, go away, stop, start, be different. Get it together, figure it out, get on board. Or, we acknowledge the wall, the howling wind, the people on our left and our right, the loss, the results, or the circumstances we wish weren't.

Kris Plachy:
And we ask ourselves new questions. How do I navigate this differently than I have before? How do I choose the next best step for me instead of waiting for it or them to change? What if this challenge is for me to learn, grow, build muscle, tell myself a new story? What might I choose for myself if this part of my narrative is just a fork in the road, not a drama filled dead end? When you stop yelling at what is and you start telling yourself you have more personal agency than you've given yourself credit for, you might just find new paths, peace from the howling wind, relief from her, him or it.New choices create inertia. Inertia creates new action, and new action creates new results. Stop yelling at the story that is, and start telling the story of what your aspirational self who chooses to make the new choice and ultimately leads herself through it.

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