Leadership is Feminine
This episode starts Season 4 of Leadership Is Feminine. If you’ve not heard all of the amazing, everyday women I had with me in Season 3, I encourage you to go back and listen to all the...
Changing your mindset as a leader is a magical gift. It allows you to manage yourself, and therefore, your team, with greater empathy. The beautiful truth about changing yourself is that some...
How much do you allow yourself to have in regards to money? As women, we are conditioned to “tuck it in” when it comes to being extremely successful in earnings. Shame often...
No matter how long we’ve been working at something or how much money we make, doubts will creep in and times of uncertainty will come. But we must learn to listen to that little voice...
In our businesses, we all need someone who can help with the books. But we also need someone who can help us think forward. Someone who can help us forecast, not retract, and change our thoughts...
As your business grows, your role as a leader should change and evolve. This includes what you do on a regular basis and what you relinquish to others. As you realign your leadership into...
With the demands of life and business in our modern times, peace can be elusive. Yet, as female CEOs, we sometimes talk ourselves out of creating that necessary environment of calm. We wrongly...
The power of showing up, rather than serving in sacrifice, cannot be overstated. When we commit, when we are there, even when no one else is, a superpower is released that often comes in no other...
The power of attraction can be magical for a female CEO. Attraction brings clients, connections and even team members. And when building a quality team, in particular, it can be a secret weapon....
Whatever your individual purpose is, you are designed to make a difference. Finding precisely how, although, can be a winding path. The very focus on making a difference can cause unwelcome...
The mindset of an intrapreneur (an introverted entrepreneur) is one of determination to fix what is wrong, even while it is not in their nature to seek a position of leadership. Rather,...
When life doesn’t go the way we think it will, it can seem like a reason to stop dreaming. Tragedy, especially, drives us into a place of acute grief, followed by days where just putting...
When you are fully dedicated and intricately tied to your mission, it will attract clients to you and allow you to build a team that is also devoted to that same purpose. The work becomes less...
Naturally following your passion in life will lead you to success. Pair natural talent with tackling new skills, and you can become an unstoppable force. You only need to lock in and conquer...
When women have their own money (and lots of it), they have a voice and a choice. Through financial security, women are no longer indebted to anyone and can change the world. Their superpowers...
Whether good or bad, a leader is one who inspires others to follow. Beyond this definition, however, there are deep questions. What, exactly, makes a leader powerful and effective? What is the...
When people feel heard, they feel known, valued – and this is desperately needed in our modern culture. It is, perhaps, an even deeper need for women in powerful leadership positions. Others...
Holding others accountable, especially employees, is one of the biggest and most common issues leaders face. Why is it so hard to get people to do what you want or assess performance and address...
We tend to be organized, especially as a society. Structured, linear thinking is expected and natural. This leads to us believing not only do we know what will happen but also why. And therefore,...
Does how you do things as a leader really matter? I absolutely believe it does. The typical CEO is tired and overwhelmed, and this often results in unwittingly creating problems. But CEO magic...
Do you truly celebrate your business wins? Or do you tend to just blow right past them and move on to the next goal? Yes, it’s important to look forward, make plans, to do all the things to...
Happy New Year! How are you?! I love the energy whenever the new year comes around! It’s a great time to pause and focus on your goals, intentions, whatever, right? So, I thought that,...
Should you pay a year end bonus and give your employees extra? We expect certain results from the people we hire, and we pay them a salary for those results. Not for their time. Not for their...
You, as an entrepreneur, have to be an optimist, right? You take risks and believe that something will work out and you cultivate that vision to get your team through the frustration and...